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China has experienced unprecedented economic development in recent years and is now facing severe challenges caused by the over-consumption of resources and by ecological and environmental degradation. To assess the influence of resource exploitation and ecological trade, we have developed an index of excessive resource consumption based on the concepts of ecological deficit and ecological over-shoot, and we have used the ecological trade deficit to assess the pressure created by the export and import of resources and products. Our analysis indicated that China's consumption footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1983, leading to an ecological deficit, and the production footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1986, leading to an ecological over-shoot, as the over-consumption of natural resources grew. By 2010, 3.6 times the current area of bioproductive land was needed to provide sufficient resources to meet the consumption. China has been encouraging the development of exporting enterprises by implementing a series of financial and tax incentives, which have stimulated the economy in the short-term but have gradually increased the ecological trade deficit since 2000.  相似文献   
Murine bone marrow cells can suppress the in vitro primary antibody response of normal spleen cells without apparent cytotoxicity. The bone marrow cells suppress the response to both T-dependent (SRBC) and T-independent (DNP-Ficoll) antigens. When bone marrow cells are fractionated on a sucrose density gradient, the suppressive activity is found in the residue rather than the lymphocyte fraction. The suppressive activity is either unaffected or enhanced by treatment with anti-T- and anti-B-cell serums. Pretreatment of mice with phenylhydrazine which reduces the number of pre-B cells did not reduce the suppressive activity of their bone marrow cells. Suppressive activity is abolished by irradiation of the marrow cells in vitro with 1000 R prior to assay. The activity is present in the marrow of thymus deficient (nude) mice, infant mice, and mice which have been made polycythemic by transfusion. Furthermore, the suppressor cell can phagocytize iron carbonyl particles, is slightly adherent to plastic and Sephadex G-10, and can bind to EA monolayers. We conclude that the suppressor cell is not a mature lymphocyte or granulocyte nor a member of the erythrocytic series, but is likely to be an immature cell possibly of the myeloid series. We speculate on the physiologic role of this cell.  相似文献   
牛背梁自然保护区(108°45′~109°04′E,33°47′~33°56′N)位于秦岭山脉东段,地跨秦岭南北坡。采用样线调查法和访问调查法,于2003年5月~2004年8月,对该保护区食肉动物及偶蹄动物的区系特征和生态分布进行了研究。该保护区共有18种食肉动物及偶蹄动物,其中属我国级、级重点保护动物的兽类分别有2种和7种。分析表明,保护区的有蹄类动物物种丰富,秦岭分布的有蹄类在该区域均有分布,但食肉动物种数仅占整个秦岭地区的45.5%。这些兽类中,属于东洋界的兽类有12种,占66.7%;属古北界的仅1种,占5.5%;其余5种为广布种,占27.8%。牛背梁保护区在动物地理区划上应属古北界和东洋界物种交汇的区域,且为东洋界逐渐向古北界过渡的区域。分析该区域食肉动物及偶蹄动物的生态分布发现,这些物种的垂直分布幅度有很大的差异。垂直分布幅度在海拔高差1300m以上、1000m左右、450~700m之间的物种各占1/3。结果还表明,区内这些兽类物种的丰富度随海拔的升高具有先升后降的垂直变化规律。不论是秦岭南坡还是北坡,分布在海拔1800~2200m区域的兽类物种最多,所占比例大于80%;而在海拔2600m以上区域,兽类种数降至最少,仅占50%左右。兽类丰富度的海拔梯度也体现于这些兽类在各植被类型中的分布上。中山针阔叶混交林中分布的兽类种数最多,而在中低山落叶阔叶林、亚高山针叶林及亚高山灌丛草甸中分布的兽类则较少。  相似文献   
额济纳绿洲胡杨林更新及群落生物多样性动态   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
高润宏  董智  张昊  李俊清 《生态学报》2005,25(5):1019-1025
研究额济纳绿洲胡杨群落演替中的生物多样性指数与胡杨林年龄、密度、地下水埋深、地表土壤含水量的相互关系,及胡杨更新中的根蘖株数、实生株数与胡杨林年龄、密度相互关系。结果表明:胡杨种群在更新过程中根蘖株数与胡杨年龄、密度相关显著,根蘖性随胡杨年龄增长而加强,随密度增大而减弱,实生株的分布与胡杨年龄相关显著,而与密度、遮萌度相关不显著,实生苗只出现在中龄林中,而在老龄胡杨林和幼龄胡杨林中均无胡杨实生苗;胡杨群落演替过程中生物多样性与群落的土壤含水量、地下水埋深和林冠遮萌度相关不显著,而与胡杨的年龄、密度相关显著,胡杨群落在演替过程中生物多样性和均匀度增高,个体数量却减少,胡杨在种群发育过程不仅表现出自疏现象,并在群落演替过程中表现明显的排斥异种现象。一个观点:逆境生存的建群植物种个体繁殖的最大收益性导致群落演替出现间断现象。由于极端环境胁迫下,胡杨在繁殖对策选择上,在胡杨林内胡杨种群更新选择以无性繁殖为主,而在胡杨林外的其它生境中胡杨种群更新以有性繁殖为主。针对上述观点,胡杨保护和更新在不同的生境中以不同的更新方式进行。  相似文献   
鼎湖山土壤有机质δ13C时空分异机制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根据鼎湖山若干海拔部位土壤剖面薄层取样样品有机质含量、14C测年及δ13C结果,研究土壤有机质δ13C时空分异机制.结果表明,不同海拔土壤剖面有机质δ13C深度特征受控于剖面发育进程,与有机质组成及其分解过程密切相关.植被枯落物成为表土层有机质以及表土层被埋藏后的有机质更新过程,均存在碳同位素分馏效应,有机质δ13C显著增大.相对于地表植被枯落物δ13C,表土层有机质δ13C增幅取决于表土有机质更新速率.表土有机质δ13C与植被枯落物δ13C均随海拔升高而增大,说明植被构成随海拔升高呈规律性变化.这与鼎湖山植被的垂直分布一致.不同海拔土壤剖面有机质δ13C深度特征类似,有机质含量深度特征一致,有机质14C表观年龄自上向下增加.这是剖面发育过程中有机质不断更新的结果.土壤剖面有机质δ13C最大值深度与14C弹穿透深度的成因和大小不同,均反映地貌与地表植被对有机碳同位素深度分布的控制.  相似文献   
Previous studies have used tree-ring chronologies from several species to develop reconstructions of precipitation, temperature, streamflow and glacier mass balance for sites in Banff National Park, Alberta. This study examines the variability in a >300-year summer streamflow reconstruction for the Bow River at Banff in conjunction with changes in the major contributors to streamflow (glacier melt, winter and summer pecipitation). Reconstructed winter mass balance for Peyto Glacier is used as a surrogate for winter precipitation and April–August precipitation is reconstructed for Banff. Streamflow variability correlates most highly with winter precipitation and periods of high flow follow above average snowfall in the previous winter (high winter balance) and in some cases also with above normal summer precipitation. A clear response to changes in summer mass balance at Peyto Glacier (i.e. summer glacier melting) cannot be identified in this summer discharge record. Problems developing physically realistic flow reconstructions for snowmelt dominated rivers from summer sensitive tree-ring chronologies are also discussed.  相似文献   
杨颖  李旭  崔瑰芬  周伟  付蔷 《四川动物》2006,25(1):7-11
对云南海峰自然保护区鱼类区系调查,结果共获鱼类11种,隶属4目6科11属。其中引入种9种,土著种仅2种,无特有种类。海峰湿地间歇性干涸明显,是一较为封闭的高原水域生态系统。以湿地鱼类区系组成为线索,认为在湿地内无土著种,更未形成狭域分布的特有种。此事实强烈地暗示,海峰湿地的形成历史可能极近,只在数万年之内。海峰湿地属于内陆湿地中的时令湖生态系统,还兼有人工湿地中蓄水区湿地类型的特点。  相似文献   
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